BGM Sour IPA from Funky Fluid Wyświetl ten post na Instagramie. BGM Sour IPA Funky Fluid #funkyFluid #BGMSourIPA #sourIPA #sourIndiaPaleAle #IPA #indiaPaleAle #ale #browarFunkyFluid #BGM #beerGeekMadness #zaklęteRewiry #beerstagram #beerPorn #craftBeerPorn #craftBeer #polishCraft #polishCraftBeer #kraft #drinkingCraft #instaBeer #beerPic #piwoRzemieślnicze #instabeerPorn #beergasm #beer #beerPhoto #beerGeek #piwo #birra #bierPost udostępniony przez slawog (@slawog) Brewery Funky Fluid Place Zaklęte Rewiry Style India Pale Ale / IPA Alcohol5% Hops Tags craft Beer PornIPAcraft Beerbeer Pornpolish Craft Beerpolish Craftkraftbeerstagramindia Pale Alealebeergeek madnessbeerdrinking Craftinstabeerbeer Picpiwo RzemieślniczebeergasminstaBeer Pornpiwobeer photobierbeer geekbirrazaklęte rewirysour IPAsourindiapalealeBGMfunky fluidrfunky fluid breweryBGM Sour IPA Others beers Beer Geek TartBrowar Deer Bear Kardamandu IPAFunky Fluid Never Mind The Bollocks Here`s the Monsters BreweryBrowar Monsters Sygryda StorrådaBrowar Roch Acid Trip: Nelson Sauvin & Passion FruitFunky Fluid Two Minutes to Flame OutWeird Beard InsomniaPalatum AchtungFunky Fluid MaximusPalatum Hot Or NotBrowar Szpunt KuracjuszkaBrowar Ursa Maior Patrons Project 1.05: Biscotti StoutNorthern Monk Co